
Dental Anxiety: More Gratitude for Less Pain

You know those patients who bounce into the dental chair, cheerfully chatting about their weekend plans? I used to think they were just naturally blessed with steel nerves. But after years of practice, I've noticed something fascinating: these patients tend to have smoother procedures and faster healing times than those who come in expecting the worst.

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Stop! Read This BEFORE You Remove Your Amalgam Fillings

If you're considering having your amalgam (silver) fillings removed, you're not alone. Many patients are becoming more aware of the potential health impacts of dental materials, particularly mercury-containing amalgams. But while safely removing these fillings can be beneficial for many people, timing and preparation are crucial.

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Is Hydroxyapatite Safe In Toothpaste?

If you've spent any time on social media lately, you've probably seen some concerning posts about hydroxyapatite (HA) in toothpaste. As someone who uses HA toothpaste for my own family and recommends it to patients, I want to take a deep dive into these concerns. Let's explore what the scientific research currently tells us about this ingredient.

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Are Dental Crowns Really Bad?

In the holistic dental world, I often hear new trends and ideas circulating among patients – some insightful, others a little more concerning. Lately, one of the myths I’ve been hearing more frequently is that “crowns are bad.” It’s a belief that seems to stem from a combination of online influencers, holistic communities, and even some dental professionals advocating for alternative techniques. I understand why this sentiment might resonate with many of my patients.

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DIY Dentistry: Help! My Dental Crown (or Temporary Crown) Fell Out!

Imagine this – you’re on vacation, enjoying a relaxing day, when suddenly your dental crown pops off. Talk about bad timing! Don’t worry – while this can be inconvenient, there are simple steps you can take to manage the situation until you can see a dentist. Here’s a quick and easy guide to help you deal with a lost dental crown, keeping your tooth safe and minimizing discomfort.

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The Xylitol Controversy: Is This Natural Sweetener Really Safe for Your Teeth?

I’ve read several articles over the years raising concerns about the safety of the sugar alcohol xylitol. While I thought these concerns were mostly put to rest, I recently heard an interview from a well-respected source suggesting that xylitol is NOT recommended for oral care products. Sometimes my crunchy-granola-holistic peeps ruin all the fun. I think this might be one of those times.

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The Sweet Benefits of Xylitol for Oral and Nasal Health

Xylitol might sound like something straight out of a science lab, but this natural sweetener packs a punch when it comes to protecting your teeth and even your sinuses. Found in plants, xylitol belongs to the sugar alcohol family alongside erythritol, sorbitol, and mannitol. But what makes xylitol stand out is its unique ability to stop cavities in their tracks and promote better oral and nasal health.

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Prioritizing Values-Centric Dentistry Over Evidence-Based Dentistry

Never make your Instagram scroll the first thing you do when you wake up. I know this bit of wisdom, but one day I did it anyway. At the top of my inbox was a note from a colleague that read: "I am not into holistic dentistry. I am an evidence-based dentist. Please do not contact me again. "As a well-mannered southern girl, I refrained from responding with sarcasm. Instead, I vented to my readers (that’s you!) and made a vow to change the world. Okay, maybe that’s a bit dramatic. But I knew this interaction revealed a bigger issue worth discussing.

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Why Dental X-Rays Matter (Even for Holistic Dentistry Lovers)

In healthcare, we’re always weighing potential risks against potential benefits — from medications to surgeries. Dental x-rays? Same story. At our holistic dental office, we often hear concerns about x-rays, and honestly, I welcome the dialogue. As a health-conscious person myself, I get it. I question everything when it comes to my family’s care, too.

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Fluoride and IQ: Report From National Toxicology Program

Emerging research acknowledges fluoride in drinking water is indeed linked to lower IQ in children. This report by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) was suppressed, then ridiculed, then peer-reviewed with a fine-tooth comb, then finally forced to be released by the judge in a lawsuit against the EPA.

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Ozone in Dentistry

Ozone is created in our atmosphere when oxygen is exposed to an electrical source, like lightning, converting O2 to O3. The chemical bonds holding the 3 oxygen atoms together are very unstable, creating an oxidizing effect on anything it touches (in other words, it wants to give away that third oxygen atom). This makes ozone our atmosphere’s “clean-up crew,” as it oxidizes and helps eliminate pollutants.

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University Confirms Graphene Oxide Found in Dental Anesthetics

I’ve received questions periodically over the last year about potential contaminants (whether accidental or intentional) found in local anesthetics used in dentistry. Once I saw this, I was immediately skeptical. But because I had more than one question about it, and because it is really important to me that the dentistry I provide is safe, I went directly to the manufacturer of my favorite anesthetic, and asked the questions.

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Taking care of your toddler’s teeth…without wanting to pull your hair out.

[**This was written years ago (more than I’d like to admit) and never posted publicly. I came across it in my files around Mother’s Day, and it warmed my heart thinking about my girls at that sweet age. Embrace the frazzled days of keeping up with toddlers, mamas. They go by so fast!**]‍

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Do I NEED a root canal? Questions to ask your dentist.

No one likes to hear the news that they “need” a root canal. But NEED is a broad, relative term that needs qualifying. When your dentist recommends a root canal, here are some questions to ask in order to help you make the most informed decision.

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How To Care For Your Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

If you’ve recently had a cosmetic dentistry treatment like teeth whitening, dental bonding, or porcelain veneers, you may be wondering how you can care for your new smile to ensure it lasts a long time, and that your teeth stay bright, brilliant, and beautiful. In this guide from Flourish Dental Boutique, we’ll give you a few quick tips that are sure to help.

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Tooth Pain Making You Think About Going to the Emergency Room?

Dental pain, and toothaches specifically, are a HUGE source of avoidable trips to the emergency room. We always want to keep ER beds clear for true emergencies, and that will especially be true in the coming weeks. So let’s review when you DO have an urgent situation that warrants a trip to the ER, when it’s better to call your dentist, and what options you have if you don’t have a dentist, or can’t get in touch with him/her, and are in pain.

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Welcome to Flourish Dental Boutique!

Every day, patients of Flourish Dental Boutique are discovering their body’s true potential for wellness. Dr. Engram’s passion is working one-on-one with patients on their individualized nutritional journeys in a safe and mindful environment. Visit our website or call our office today to start your wellness journey at Flourish Dental Boutique!

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The Flourish Podcast

We're all designed to flourish! Listen and dive deep into how to take control of your family's physical, spiritual, and mental health as Dr. Toni Engram talks with practitioners and leaders in wellness on

The Flourish Podcast

The Cavity Cure

Stop letting "bad teeth" get in the way of your oral health. With Dr. Toni Engram's Cavity Cure Online Course, you'll find techniques and lifestyle advice that can help you prevent and even heal cavities, so your smile can truly flourish.

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for a better lifestyle!

  • MON: 9:00-12:00, 1:00-5:00
  • TUE: 9:00-12:00, 1:00-5:00
  • WED: 9:00-12:00, 1:00-5:00
  • THURS: 9:00-12:00, 1:00-5:00
  • FRI: 9:00-1:00

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