Prompt Care, When You Need it Most
Same-Day Emergency Appointments
At Flourish Dental Boutique, we’re always here to help you get emergency care when you need it the most. Here are a few steps you should take if you’re experiencing a dental emergency right now:
- Give us a call at 469-676-2777 and tell us about your situation.
- Follow any instructions we give you over the phone.
- Find and collect any teeth or dental work that you may have lost during your emergency.
- Come to our office located at 1415 State St, Suite 800, Richardson, TX 75080.
We offer same-day emergency appointments for all of our patients at Flourish Dental Boutique, and we'd be happy to accommodate you in an emergency. Calling ahead to tell us about your issue helps us prepare for your treatment, so we can start helping you right away. However, we will always accept walk-in emergency appointments, so don’t hesitate to come in during our regular hours.

Common dental emergencies
What Is a Dental Emergency?
A wide variety of dental problems count as emergencies. In general, you are experiencing an emergency if your issue involves serious pain, bleeding, or discomfort, and you don’t know how to treat it by yourself. If your dental health problem meets these criteria, you should come in for an emergency appointment right away.
Treating Damaged & Decayed Teeth
severe Toothaches
A serious toothache could indicate a deep cavity or even an infected tooth. If your tooth starts to hurt after an oral injury, this may also indicate that it has a crack, fracture, or other type of damage. If your toothache doesn’t go away within a day or two, it is important to schedule an emergency appointment with Dr. Engram to get it checked out.
Treating Damaged Dental Work
Pulled-Out Fillings & Crowns
This is actually a very common problem. Dental work like crowns and fillings tend to loosen over time. Eventually, they may fall out or be pulled out by eating sticky or hard foods. Your dental restoration needs to be replaced right away after it’s pulled out to protect your tooth and prevent further decay.
Treating Lacerations, Gum Disease
Oral Bleeding
If your mouth is bleeding after an oral injury and the blood flow doesn’t slow or stop within 1-2 hours, you may need stitches. Stitches can help heal lacerations to oral tissue like your gums, cheeks, lips, and tongue.
In addition, if your gums appear to be bleeding for no reason, you may have a serious case of gum disease. This is a serious infection that requires treatment as soon as possible, and you should schedule an appointment right away.
Treating Infected Teeth
Infections & Abscesses
A serious or prolonged toothache that includes symptoms like swelling around the tooth, discoloration, or a serious fever could indicate an infected or abscessed tooth. If left untreated, the tooth will die, and you could even get a life-threatening blood infection (sepsis). Come to our office to get care such as a root canal or tooth extraction right away.
What to Do
What to Do during a Dental Emergency
Your first move should always be to call the team at Flourish Dental Boutique, and let us know about your emergency. Then, come into our office as soon as you can. The sooner you get treatment, the more likely it is that we can save your tooth.
If you have time before your appointment, you can mitigate damage by using clean gauze to absorb blood, taking NSAIDs like ibuprofen to help with pain and inflammation, or applying ice externally to help with discomfort and swelling. However, your top priority should always be to come to our office as soon as you can for emergency care.